Delivery Specialist

Denver, CO
Part Time
Student (College)

Do you want to get paid to drive around in your vehicle and listen to your favorite podcasts or music? We have just the job for you!

We are looking for part-time Culinary Chauffeurs who can serve primarily as delivery drivers for our high-end meal delivery service offering Frank Bonanno's five-star quality meals.

Duties include:
Pre-delivery preparation
Following proper delivery instructions
Being prompt and on time for deliveries

Reliable transportation for deliveries.
Speak fluent English.
Have strong communication skills.
Have a clean driving record.
Have a clean-cut, professional appearance.
Willing to submit to a criminal background check.
A smartphone with a data plan.

Monday - Friday part-time shifts available -3:00pm-7:00pm (flexible).

Larger vehicle preferred, but not necessary.

8-20 hours/week.
Job Type: Part-time
Pay: $25.00 - $35.00 per hr


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